
Understanding Menopause In a 1972 episode of All In The Family, the theme was menopause: Archie: Edith, if you’re gonna have a change in life, you gotta do it right now. I’m gonna give you just 3o seconds! Edith: Can I finish my soup first? Unfortunately, this what many people, both men and women, still think they know about menopause. Menopause is perhaps...

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Health Tips & Tools

These tips may be useful in understanding and managing your health concerns: Diarrhea and Vomiting Begin with clear liquids for 24-48 hours: Pedialyte, Ginger Ale, 7-Up, Gatorade, frozen Kool-Aid popsicles, Jell-O. Fever and Tylenol Dosing in Children Fever is a normal body response to infection and a symptom of an illness, not an illness itself. GI Disorders Learn about gastric irritants and disorders such as...

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